This symphonic sweetie num-nums is brought to you by the West Trolley Nominal ReAssignment Agency. Perhaps you are bored with the simply plebeian name free of embellishment and pizazz, something yawn-worthy like John or Lacy or Douglas. "No more!" say the creative gentlemen of the West Trolly Nominal ReAssignment Agency. Doors will open, fortunes will flow, and dorma will pause momentarily when you are introduced as 'William Cubbibutton' or as 'Lord Snausage' or 'Petunia Foldarole'. Yes, once your name smacks of selling something on this show, your meteoric rise throw the social strata will cause your previous betters to throw themselves clear of the blast and having been stunned applaud lightly. The West Trolley Nominal ReAssignment Agency... sure, you could think of a better name, yourself...
And, PUPPIES! Feeling down, a bit depressed? Plans ruined? Tea party in disarray? Simply pick up one puppy and apply liberally to face, then sit back until the dosage takes affect. Using puppies more than once may result in unbearable bahdorableness. Puppies! Baaow.
Also available in kittens.
As always, The Clockwork Cabaret grabs their partner dosey-doe, dance real fast, and now go WCOM -LP Chapel Hill & Carrboro, which also hopes that Emmett will feel better soon and is busily preparing a chicken soup bath for her, as we speak.