Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lord Evans' Famed Drop Bear Launchers

Do you feel a need to deliver terrifying yet adorable death at a distance? Do you mourn the lack of weapons that fire deadly animals? If so then pick up Lord Evans' Dropbear Cannon today.
Dropbears are the carnivorous cousins of the gentle Koalas who infest the Invisible Ham. When exposed to the scent of blood these small bears turn into small balls of fur and death. The drop bear launcher safely contains these dangerous animals, and with a clockwork powered catapult engine will propel these small deadly creatures directly into your enemies.Terrify your enemies, acquaintances and social workers with Lord Evans' drop bear cannon! Make your guest stare in awe at your terrifying masculinity, as you hold our enormous cannon and drive away pesky foes with nature's perfect weapon, the drop bear.

Lord Evans' is not responsible for any injuries that may be suffered while loading the patented drop bear cannon.
Extreme caution is advised when handling. In the case of a misfire, please contact our specialised maintenance crews with your loud terrified screams.

Ask for it by name at your local gun range
Buy now and receive an extra cage of drop bears

Submitted by Pat Evans of Australia