This frazzled go-getter is brought to you by the Wonderous Telemaphone! Move over, Bell! Shove it, Marconi! Get lost, Farnsworth! The most amazing advancement in communication and long distance entertainment is here! IN YOUR FACE! RIGHT! NOW! Pick up the cast-iron receiver and call ANYONE FOR ANY REASON! Long lost relatives? Ask them for money! Displaced children? Tell them to remain so! Recently deceased? Use them to reserve your room athe Best Western in Purgatory! The Wonderous Telemaphone! You practically have to call your mother now! FOREVER.
And! PANDAS! They aren't good for anything.
As always, The Clockwork Cabaret tumbles from the dryer, fresh, fuzzy, cuddly and WCOM-LP Chapel Hill & Carrboro. And, wait 'til you see what we left in the lint trap!