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And! Radio has revolutionized the way we listen to the news, entertainment and peoples. Perhaps, though this easily accessible medium, available any time, day or later that day, has dulled our minds and hastened our descent into godless moral decrepitude. Perhaps you, like us, yearn for simpler days when a loud man with nothing better to do would scream news and celebrity gossip at no one in particular. Join us then at Plumbob's Institute of Yelling. Take classes on proper modulation, ranging from bombastic to shrill, practice news gathering by hiding behind a hedge and discover your own talent for yellitorial management. Soon you too will join a rewarding, fast paced career in bellowing things like CAT FIGHTS MONKEY, NATIONAL OUTRAGE DECLARED. Plumbob's Institute of Yelling; FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE!
As always, the Clockwork Cabaret steps off the curb, far too late for Geoffrey to lay down his coat over the WCOM-LP Chapel Hill & Carrboro, and subsequently Geoffrey was arrested by the Gentlemen Police.