Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Robot Attorney

This cantakerous fish bucket is brought to you by Robot Attorney. Long have the imperfectly fleshy masses of law doctors, biased by glandular emotion fits, dominated the field of legal discourse! Let the cold logic of steel and the exquisite clockwork engineering of its rhetorical gearbox make objections stay objectionable, pick jurors with laser guided accuracy and file motions at speeds of well over 80 miles per hour. Nary a judge will remain unconvinced when its bowler flaps back with a jet of steam, it rears up behind the defense to its court approved height of twelve feet and interjects,"PERMISSION TO TREAT THE WITNESS AS HOSTILE. DEPLOYING CROSS EXAMINATION PROBE IN FIVE, FOUR, THREE" Robot Attorney! Court hastily adjourned!

And! Modern piscine surgery has seen fit, against all reason, to strive together THE PERFECT FISH. Regard now the Magic Wish Trout! Provides a complete daily serving of vegetables! Swallops cods! Provides comfort to old women! Exquisitely compliments chocolate! Answers any question so long as you don't mind the answer being wharglhlrgblblrghblub! Makes its own chips! Watches you while you sleep then sleeps while you watch it! Giggles! Magic Qish Trout! Seriously though just eat it.

As always, the Clockwork Cabaret passes through the seasons of life as one inevitably must, summer to winter, green to brown, ashes to ashes, the inexorable slide towards WCOM-LP Chapel Hill & Carrboro. AND NOW THE BIRTHDAY SONG FOR EMMETT!