Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dr. Wiseman's Patented Steam O'Matic

Ever feel as though you have to explain steampunk once to often a day? Sick and tired of trying to make main stream idiots like you even less? What you need is Dr. Wiseman's Patented Steam O' Matic! Conveniently designed to look like a top hat, crossed with something from a frankenstein movie, or possibly just one of those things old ladies sit under at the hairdresser!. Just pop the Steam O' Matic on someone's head, and they will instantly not only know what steampunk is, they will love it! Plus, if you call now, we we'll also send you the bonus Brain-Wash-Be-Gone soap, for your new, now slightly Pale and pasty looking fellow Steampunk. AND our patented top-hat-crossed-with-something- from-a-frankenstien-movie-or-possibly-just-one-of-those-things-old-ladies-sit-under-at-the-hairdresser-hat-hair comb!

Side affects may include: A strange desire to tune the radio in to WCOM 103.5FM Carrboro/Chapel Hill at 11pm every Monday, and the refusal to drink anything but tea. The Steam O' Matic has not yet been FDA approved.

submitted by Captain Jack Havock