Thursday, February 3, 2011

Doc Toc's Showroom of Domestic Devices

Are you tired of siblings lording it over you with their mechanical monkeys?

Do you crave the companionship that only a feisty feline can provide?

Come on down to 'Doc Toc’s Showroom of Domestic Devices'.

Doc Toc brings you the latest in clockwork contraptions and mechanical marvels.

The brand new Wind-Up Wildcat is a compact version of the ever-popular Tic-Toc Tiger. Complete with a realistic purr setting on its motor coils, the Wind-Up Wildcat is everything you could want from a feeble bio-cat and much much more! Marvel as it fells trees in an attempt to sharpen its titanium claws. Gaze awe-stricken as it designs, weaves and finally destroys exquisite and expensive home furnishings. The Wind-Up Wildcat will even produce wire-wool fur balls that can be used around your home or workshop.

For a limited time only, receive a free solid-steel transport cage with each purchase of the Wind-Up Wildcat.

The Wind-Up Wildcat, a fine addition to any home, hunt or military force.

Submitted by Simon Fiddlefield